I want to copy data from a text box under Settings, but drag and drop doesn't work. Is there a quick way to do it which is not OCR-ing the screen?
Unfortunately, I don't know if there is a way to do it through the UI.
Good news, though, is that this is stored in ~/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist
. Here is a way to extract the information into a CSV file that you can open into a spreadsheet:
- Open Terminal
Copy and paste the following line:
defaults read -g NSUserDictionaryReplacementItems | gawk '/replace|with/ {s = substr($0, index($0, "= ")+2 ); gsub(";", "", s); printf "%s, ", s }; /^ *with/ {printf "\n"};' > text.csv
- Open
with Numbers, LibreOffice, or Excel.