Move HDD from one laptop to another and retain active logins?

My laptop recently died, and I plan to move the hard drive from the dead laptop to a new laptop. Will I (/can I/when can I) retain my active logins in Firefox or Chrome if I do that?

(I am logged into a site using an account for which I forgot my password. The dead laptop is running Windows 10.)

Solution 1:

Moving a hard drive with operating system only works for a installed Windows Retail operating system on your old laptop.

Otherwise it will be Windows OEM and you cannot move it to a new computer as the Microsoft requirements do not allow this and it likely will not activate.

You will have to set up your logins again on the new laptop and new Windows operating system.

That is how OEM works.

Solution 2:

This refers to only chrome and firefox.

Both have folders in the hidden APPDATA folder.

If you copy them over correctly you can restore chrome and firefox bookmarks and etc.