Cannot rename backup of Desktop folder

I made a backup of the Desktop folder of user X (i.e. C:\Users\X\Desktop) onto an external drive (P:\Users\X\Desktop), then I renamed it "P:\Users\X\Desktop.20211026" because I intend to keep several backups over time.

Windows Explorer shows "P:\Users\X\Desktop.20211026" as expected, but other programs show "P:\Users\X\Desktop". This is from Windows CMD:

Directory of P:\Users\X
2021-10-26  13:10    <DIR>          .
2021-10-26  13:10    <DIR>          ..
2021-10-30  17:26    <DIR>          Desktop

I see "P:\Users\X\Desktop" in Windows CMD, in PowerShell, in the Ubuntu subsystem for Windows and in a Python program. Every program - except Windows Explorer - shows "P:\Users\X\Desktop". Windows Explorer shows "P:\Users\X\Desktop.20211026" in the address bar, but "P:\Users\X\Desktop" if I click into the address bar.

What is going on? Is "Desktop" such an important folder in Windows that it cannot be renamed, even when it is a copy sitting on some random external drive? If so, why does Windows Explorer pretend to allow me to change its name, then show a mix of the old name and new name?

Using Windows 10, latest patches.

Desktop is a very important folder. Many documents, email and other data goes there.

It is owned by the user and non-user cannot change it without taking complete ownership. Since it is just a backup, that is not a good idea.

Make holding folders well identified and copy the Desktop backups into the holding folders. Holding folders are just ordinary folders and can include a date that makes sense to you: yyyymmmdd or sometimes just yyyymmm

I think this is the best approach overall. I use variations of this on my machines.