Disable SSH for non root users

Everyone is doing this the hard way.. he said deny for all non-root users.. so just edit


Add the following

AllowGroups wheel root

Then restart ssh

Anyone in the wheel or root group will be allowed to ssh in

Several possibilities:

  • /bin/false as login shell for the normal users in /etc/passwd
  • Add only root to AllowUsers in /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Can use PAM as well: cp /etc/security/access.conf /etc/security/sshd.conf
echo "+ : root : ALL" >> /etc/security/sshd.conf
echo "- : ALL : ALL" >> /etc/security/sshd.conf

Then modify /etc/pam.d/sshd to add the following line after the other accounts:
account required pam_access.so accessfile=/etc/security/sshd.conf

This will also allow you to restrict by network if you decide to do so in the future.