Very low usable RAM on windows 10 Machine

4 GB RAM just isn't enough these days, especially in your case.
You said you don't want to hear this, but it is still the answer I'm going to give.

The original requirement for Windows 10, back in 2015 was 2GB, but that was the absolute lower limit and wasn't pleasant to use even then.
Windows 10 has seen 12 new versions since then and has grown a bit more obese.
Most new computers come with 8 GB as standard these days and Windows 10 (and other software) have more or less come to expect that.

These days, if you have a SSD harddisk and a discrete video-card, 4 GB is considered to be really minimal.
And you need more (at least 6 GB) if you have a classic harddisk and/or chipset graphics. You have BOTH in your system.

Furthermore: Zoom and Word are NOT minimal applications. I consider both medium. Edge, when multiple tabs open and depending on the content of the displayed web-pages, can also be far more heavy than you would expect.

So I would really recommend a RAM upgrade AND replace the classic harddisk with a SSD as well. You performance will benefit from either upgrade, but if you can only do 1 upgrade the SSD would most likely give the best boost for you money.

From the comments I see that you don't have a McAfee license anymore but you still run it. The screenshot also indicates that is using a fair amount of RAM and disk-IO (the disk-IO is a worse problem than the RAM usage in your case).
I would definitely uninstall it completely. Windows Defender is actually not bad at all as a virus-scanner and it is running anyway in Windows 10. You might as well use it and forget about whatever (little) benefit you still get (without a license) from McAfee.