How do I prevent Widgets.exe from getting automatically started on Windows 11?

How do I gracefully prevent Widgets.exe from starting automatically on my Windows 11?

By "gracefully", I mean I don't like deleting it or messing with the filesystem security.

It's already turned off in my Task bar settings:

enter image description here

I've tried Autoruns but Widgets isn't listed in any of the typical autoruns locations.

It isn't a big deal, but I don't like the fact that a heavy WebView2-based app is setting there in the memory and doing nothing useful to me as a user:

enter image description here

I have the answer! Very simple in fact when you know. run PowerShell as administrator and winget uninstall "windows web experience pack". And voilà!

If you want to reinstall it for some x or y reason. You can install it again from the Microsoft Store

Now enjoy your extra RAM and off fans!