Windows XP used as server [closed]

Forking question "running Samba Active Directory Server on Windows desktop (for developing"

I could never understand Windows XP 10-connections limit (added later - in MS licensing), i.e. restrictions in using Windows XP Pro as server. See my "Server vs. workstation file server" question/discussion.

For ex., tells: "XP introduced the limiting of the number of possible TCP connection attempts to ten per second"...

Really, it is the limit only on attempts per user? per user and per second? leading to quite ethical thousands connections in production? or ethical hundreds in small developing shop? or dozens connections being sufficient for one developing machine?

TCP connection attempts means how many SYN requests (half-open connections) you can have. There is no limit on TCP established connections. This was put in to slow down the BOTNETS because you need many more zombies to initiate a DDoS attack.