How can I block all internet access on Ubuntu?

I want to stop being able to access the internet during my working day. Is there any tool that I can use to disable internet connectivity for a specified period of time? I'm using Ubuntu 10.04

Solution 1:

You can disable your network interfaces

typing "ifconfig" at the command line will print all of your network interfaces.

you can bring down an interface like this

sudo ifconfig eth0 down

where eth0 is the network interface you are disconnecting, such as your wireless or wired Ethernet.

when you are ready to use it again just bring it back up.

sudo ifconfig eth0 up

Solution 2:

I use LeechBlock for Firefox at work. Block your biggest time wasters and you'll soon get back to work.

You can still access the rest of the web to do work-related searches (say), so you don't look like a complete nutter to your colleagues if they are at your screen.