How does one "Press 1 for English" using voice on iPhone during call with phone system menu?

Is there a way to use my voice to "press" a button on the numeric keypad during a phone call, resulting in my handset sending the appropriate DTMF codes to the device on the other end?

I like to conduct business while riding my bike, and Siri can help me with most requests hands-free. However, interacting with a phone system on the other end seems to be where her assistance hits a hard stop -- I can't find a way to have Siri "press 1" or anything to that effect during a phone call.

While some phone systems accept voice input, many still rely upon DTMF tones to be sent through during the call to select certain menu items. Many times, hands are unavailable, and being prompted for keypad input can be frustrating and dangerous.

Is there a way to, for example, have Siri listen to calls for commands like "Siri, press one five one pound", to send the DTMF codes "151#" on behalf of my hands?

If the numbers are in your contacts.

You can Edit the contact by adding another number with some controls in.

i.e if you are always dialling : (888) 555 1212

And you need to wait 4 seconds and then enter a (1) for the selection.

You can Edit the contact and duplicate the number.

Then press the symbols button.

enter image description here

which will give you two new buttons.

Pause and Wait.

Pressing the Pause button will add a "," at the end of the number.

AFAIK each "," will pause for 2 seconds. I am not sure about wait. Which I expect will be longer.

enter image description here

Once you have your pauses you can add the DTMF number as shown I have entered two "," to get 4 seconds and a (1) for the DTMF.

enter image description here

Repeat as needed for any other pauses and numbers and save. And dail.