Script to disable/enable PnP Device using InstanceID's - but the ID's change upon reboot

You can! The best place to start is with just Get-PnpDevice, to make sure that you're only selecting the devices you expect to:

# use * as a wildcard
Get-PnpDevice -InstanceId 'HID\VID_0079&PID_0006\7&1699A0E&*&0000'

# example output on my PC:
Status     Class           FriendlyName            InstanceId     
------     -----           ------------            ----------     
OK         Keyboard        HID Keyboard Device     HID\VID_0079...
OK         Mouse           HID-compliant mouse     HID\VID_0079...

Then you can use basically the same script (I'm guessing on where the wildcard goes):

$pnpIds = 

foreach ($pnpId in $pnpids) {
  Get-PnpDevice -InstanceID $pnpId | 
    Where Status -Like 'OK' |
      Disable-PnpDevice -Confirm:$false

You cannot use a wildcard in Disable-PnpDevice, but it will disable any device(s) piped to it, including lists of multiple devices, so be careful that you don't disable anything accidentally.

Get-PnpDevice can also use a wildcard for searching by -FriendlyName or -Class if that's easier.