Enum with int value in Java

What's the Java equivalent of C#'s:

enum Foo
  Bar = 0,
  Baz = 1,
  Fii = 10,

Solution 1:

If you want attributes for your enum you need to define it like this:

public enum Foo {
    BAR (0),
    BAZ (1),
    FII (10);

    private final int index;   

    Foo(int index) {
        this.index = index;

    public int index() { 
        return index; 


You'd use it like this:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    for (Foo f : Foo.values()) {
       System.out.printf("%s has index %d%n", f, f.index());

The thing to realise is that enum is just a shortcut for creating a class, so you can add whatever attributes and methods you want to the class.

If you don't want to define any methods on your enum you could change the scope of the member variables and make them public, but that's not what they do in the example on the Sun website.

Solution 2:

If you have a contiguous range of values, and all you need is the integer value, you can just declare the enum minimally:

public enum NUMBERZ {
        ZERO, ONE, TWO

and then obtain the int value as follows:

int numberOne = NUMBERZ.ONE.ordinal();

However, if you need a discontiguous range (as in your example, where you jump from 1 to 10) then you will need to write your own enum constructor which sets your own member variable, and provide a get method for that variable, as described in the other answers here.