Disable VPN for a given process/application

I'm using a constant VPN connection for privacy purposes. (I hate the laws, all the logging nowadays).

But when it comes to gaming, I don't really need encryption/hiding at all. I'd like to disable VPN for a given process like Steam+Xy.exe to make a game playable.

Is that possible? If yes, how?

(OS: Windows 7 Ultimate x64)

You could use ForceBindIP (oh yes you can!) and run your Steam+Xy.exe games using the following command from the command prompt:

C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ForceBindIP.exe "C:\Steam+Xy.exe"

Note - you will need to change the IP address in the above command to be your normal default gateway and make sure the path to the application Steam+Xy.exe is correct.

This will ensure that traffic for your application bypasses the VPN and goes straight out through your default gateway and out onto the internet.

Simple modify your current shortcuts, whether they are in the Start Menu, the Programs folder or on your desktop to the above command for ease of use.