Fedora no permission to user home in mount

I order to access files in a given directory, you need the appropriate access to the individual file(s) (read and/or write, depending on what you're doing with them), and also at least execute (aka "search") access to the directory and all of the directories on the path to it. If you don't have at least execute access to a particular directory, you can't touch anything within it (including subdirectories). (Note: you need read access to list the contents of a directory, but if you already know the name of the item you want, that's not strictly needed.)

In this case, it looks like the problem was missing access to the /mnt directory (and therefore everything inside it). This is rather unusual; I'm used to /mnt having read and execute allowed for everyone, something like this:

$ ls -ld /mnt
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Sep 25  2019 /mnt

...but if you want it locked down for some reason, granting access via an ACL will do the trick.