Windows 11: CPU too old and tried AllowUpgradesWithUnsupportedTPMOrCPU

I have a 5 years old computer with an Intel I5-6600k CPU which is too old for upgrading to Windows 11. All other W11 requirements are met (TMP2.0 ...). I read that one can install and run W11 with this regedit entry:

Name: AllowUpgradesWithUnsupportedTPMOrCPU
Value: 1

It was said that the system might not run, and certain W11 update won't work. Has anybody tried it and can report on his experiences?

Solution 1:

I've just upgraded my Gen6 i7-6700 Desktop (with TMP 2.0) to Windows 11 using the AllowUpgradesWithUnsupportedTPMOrCPU workaround and it's been working perfectly well so far, still a fast, performant machine.

I upgraded in-place by downloading Win11 ISO, mounting it (with right click) and running setup.exe.

If I ever see Windows 11 updates stop flowing, I will consider upgrading or replacing this aging hardware, but otherwise I don't see a good reason for that.

Solution 2:

Microsoft advises against this method (of course):

Microsoft Windows 11 Upgrade

The Verge says the modification might work, but

"Just know that Microsoft reserves the right to withhold security updates if you go this route"

Lack of security updates may result in your system being compromised with malware.

Verge implementation of Mod