How to get rid of US language in Windows 11

I am sure I had same issue with Windows 10 and solved it. Now I can't solve it with Windows 11.

I have English (United Kingdom) language which is also locale language. I don't have English (United States) anywhere - see pictures.

However my keyboard with English UK is US. In Windows 10 it was not a problem - I had only one keyboard (US) with English UK language.

In Windows 11 I have now two keyboards if I use switch shortcut but in the settings there is only one keyboard and I can't delete the second one as it's not there.

To recap: I want to have ENG English (United Kingdom) US keyboard and remove ENG English (United States) US keyboard. All "duplicate" questions are not applicable here because I do not have ENG English (United States) language anywhere in the system.

So again - I need UK English language with US keyboard layout and nothing else.

Removing Preview key from registry doesn't work - it is back as soon as I sign in.

Keyboard layouts when I press Ctrl+Shift

Keyboard layouts when I press Ctrl+Shift

Language settings - only UK

Language settings - only UK

UK Language options

UK Language options

Solution 1:

this worked for me. Install English (United Kingdom) and then add the international layout, then delete it again, and uninstall the language pack.

Solution 2:

I have the same issue with other languages: I have a German Keyboard and a German system but I'm forced to have a US English language layout.

Since I very often press Windows+Space accidentally, I end up changing the layout by accident.

Sadly, I can't remove English as language since my only existing language is German.

However, I found that installing the US language and then removing it, solved it for me.