Failed to install org.gnome.Platform: Unable to connect to system bus
I have WSL 2:
wsl -l -v
* Debian Running 2
docker-desktop-data Stopped 2
docker-desktop Stopped 2
However I am having a problem installing a GNOME-based app:
$ flatpak install flathub com.github.geigi.cozy
Looking for matches…
Required runtime for com.github.geigi.cozy/x86_64/stable (runtime/org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/40) found in remote flathub
Do you want to install it? [Y/n]: Y
com.github.geigi.cozy permissions:
ipc network fallback-x11 pulseaudio wayland
x11 dri file access [1] dbus access [2] bus ownership [3]
[1] host, xdg-run/gvfs, xdg-run/gvfsd
[2] org.freedesktop.Notifications, org.gtk.vfs.*
[3] org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Cozy
ID Arch Branch Remote Download
1. [✗] org.gnome.Platform x86_64 40 flathub 349.5 MB / 363.9 MB
2. [ ] org.gnome.Platform.Locale x86_64 40 flathub < 333.8 MB (partial)
3. [ ] org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default x86_64 20.08 flathub < 106.4 MB
4. [ ] org.freedesktop.Platform.openh264 x86_64 2.0 flathub < 1.5 MB
5. [ ] com.github.geigi.cozy x86_64 stable flathub < 4.1 MB
6. [ ] com.github.geigi.cozy.Locale x86_64 stable flathub < 373.4 kB (partial)
Error: Unable to connect to system bus
error: Failed to install org.gnome.Platform: Unable to connect to system bus
What's the current workaround to install GNOME-based apps with WSL 2?
A couple of likely issues that you are facing. I go into great detail on it in this Ask Ubuntu answer, so I'm not going to repeat everything here, but at a high level:
Issue #1: Gnome requires Systemd, which WSL doesn't support directly
There are several scripts out there to enable Systemd on WSL. See this SO question for some options.
At a basic level, this involves creating a new namespace where Systemd can be PID1, entering that namespace, and then running your apps and commands from inside that namespace. That's what my AU answer that I linked above covers. That technique does have limitations, though, which is what the more complex scripts such as Genie and WSL2 Hacks attempt to handle.
Issue #2: WSL2 doesn't include GUI app support by default
If you have Windows 11, you can use WSLg, or you can use one of the alternative solutions in this SO question (or several other questions and answers across the Stack Exchange network).