How can I check that a list has one and only one truthy value?

In python, I have a list that should have one and only one truthy value (that is, bool(value) is True). Is there a clever way to check for this? Right now, I am just iterating across the list and manually checking:

def only1(l)
    true_found = False
    for v in l:
        if v and not true_found:
        elif v and true_found:
             return False #"Too Many Trues"
    return true_found

This seems inelegant and not very pythonic. Is there a cleverer way to do this?

Solution 1:

One that doesn't require imports:

def single_true(iterable):
    i = iter(iterable)
    return any(i) and not any(i)

Alternatively, perhaps a more readable version:

def single_true(iterable):
    iterator = iter(iterable)

    # consume from "i" until first true or it's exhausted
    has_true = any(iterator) 

    # carry on consuming until another true value / exhausted
    has_another_true = any(iterator) 

    # True if exactly one true found
    return has_true and not has_another_true


  • Looks to make sure i has any true value
  • Keeps looking from that point in the iterable to make sure there is no other true value

Solution 2:

It depends if you are just looking for the value True or are also looking for other values that would evaluate to True logically (like 11 or "hello"). If the former:

def only1(l):
    return l.count(True) == 1

If the latter:

def only1(l):
    return sum(bool(e) for e in l) == 1

since this would do both the counting and the conversion in a single iteration without having to build a new list.

Solution 3:

The most verbose solution is not always the most unelegant solution. Therefore I add just a minor modification (in order to save some redundant boolean evaluations):

def only1(l):
    true_found = False
    for v in l:
        if v:
            # a True was found!
            if true_found:
                # found too many True's
                return False 
                # found the first True
                true_found = True
    # found zero or one True value
    return true_found

Here are some timings for comparison:

# file:
from itertools import ifilter, islice

def OP(l):
    true_found = False
    for v in l:
        if v and not true_found:
        elif v and true_found:
             return False #"Too Many Trues"
    return true_found

def DavidRobinson(l):
    return l.count(True) == 1

def FJ(l):
    return len(list(islice(ifilter(None, l), 2))) == 1

def JonClements(iterable):
    i = iter(iterable)
    return any(i) and not any(i)

def moooeeeep(l):
    true_found = False
    for v in l:
        if v:
            if true_found:
                # found too many True's
                return False 
                # found the first True
                true_found = True
    # found zero or one True value
    return true_found

My output:

$ python -mtimeit -s 'import test; l=[True]*100000' 'test.OP(l)' 
1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.523 usec per loop
$ python -mtimeit -s 'import test; l=[True]*100000' 'test.DavidRobinson(l)' 
1000 loops, best of 3: 516 usec per loop
$ python -mtimeit -s 'import test; l=[True]*100000' 'test.FJ(l)' 
100000 loops, best of 3: 2.31 usec per loop
$ python -mtimeit -s 'import test; l=[True]*100000' 'test.JonClements(l)' 
1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.446 usec per loop
$ python -mtimeit -s 'import test; l=[True]*100000' 'test.moooeeeep(l)' 
1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.449 usec per loop

As can be seen, the OP solution is significantly better than most other solutions posted here. As expected, the best ones are those with short circuit behavior, especially that solution posted by Jon Clements. At least for the case of two early True values in a long list.

Here the same for no True value at all:

$ python -mtimeit -s 'import test; l=[False]*100000' 'test.OP(l)' 
100 loops, best of 3: 4.26 msec per loop
$ python -mtimeit -s 'import test; l=[False]*100000' 'test.DavidRobinson(l)' 
100 loops, best of 3: 2.09 msec per loop
$ python -mtimeit -s 'import test; l=[False]*100000' 'test.FJ(l)' 
1000 loops, best of 3: 725 usec per loop
$ python -mtimeit -s 'import test; l=[False]*100000' 'test.JonClements(l)' 
1000 loops, best of 3: 617 usec per loop
$ python -mtimeit -s 'import test; l=[False]*100000' 'test.moooeeeep(l)' 
100 loops, best of 3: 1.85 msec per loop

I did not check the statistical significance, but interestingly, this time the approaches suggested by F.J. and especially that one by Jon Clements again appear to be clearly superior.

Solution 4:

A one-line answer that retains the short-circuiting behavior:

from itertools import ifilter, islice

def only1(l):
    return len(list(islice(ifilter(None, l), 2))) == 1

This will be significantly faster than the other alternatives here for very large iterables that have two or more true values relatively early.

ifilter(None, itr) gives an iterable that will only yield truthy elements (x is truthy if bool(x) returns True). islice(itr, 2) gives an iterable that will only yield the first two elements of itr. By converting this to a list and checking that the length is equal to one we can verify that exactly one truthy element exists without needing to check any additional elements after we have found two.

Here are some timing comparisons:

  • Setup code:

    In [1]: from itertools import islice, ifilter
    In [2]: def fj(l): return len(list(islice(ifilter(None, l), 2))) == 1
    In [3]: def david(l): return sum(bool(e) for e in l) == 1
  • Exhibiting short-circuit behavior:

    In [4]: l = range(1000000)
    In [5]: %timeit fj(l)
    1000000 loops, best of 3: 1.77 us per loop
    In [6]: %timeit david(l)
    1 loops, best of 3: 194 ms per loop
  • Large list where short-circuiting does not occur:

    In [7]: l = [0] * 1000000
    In [8]: %timeit fj(l)
    100 loops, best of 3: 10.2 ms per loop
    In [9]: %timeit david(l)
    1 loops, best of 3: 189 ms per loop
  • Small list:

    In [10]: l = [0]
    In [11]: %timeit fj(l)
    1000000 loops, best of 3: 1.77 us per loop
    In [12]: %timeit david(l)
    1000000 loops, best of 3: 990 ns per loop

So the sum() approach is faster for very small lists, but as the input list gets larger my version is faster even when short-circuiting is not possible. When short-circuiting is possible on a large input, the performance difference is clear.