Is there an OS X 'tail' tool that can monitor remote log files?

I am looking for a visual tail tool that can monitor several local or remote log files.

Optional features that interest me: color highlight based on log error level, coloring for special words, filtering of messages and/or notifications on new activity.

Solution 1:

You may try to use a combination of multitail and ssh.


Solution 2:

I found a tool that can do this GeekTool, it even has a version that works on Lion (see the forum).

It can be used to do just simple tails, without filtering or other stuff, so maybe someone has a better alternative.

Solution 3:

PostRemoteLog (free)

PostRemoteLog has Growl notifications support and it is free.

Solution 4:

While I haven't used it myself yet, I recently discovered It appears to meet all your criteria.

Solution 5:

Only for the sake of completeness it shall be said, that there is a tool for Mac OS X with highlighting on keywords and some other features. It's called Logtastic

I know, this is an old post, but maybe someone finds this useful?! :)