How to batch edit images with specific editing task e.g. deleting a specific part?

I want to edit a set of images. These edit consist of

  • deleting a specific part (erasing a part e.g. making it transparent)
  • adding a gradient at a certain area
  • drawing on the images

all images have the same resolution.

I was saw that there is a gimp batch mode but this is mostly used to resize. what other options are there.

Like Anaksunaman said you could use ImageMagick.

  • deleting a specific part (erasing a part e.g. making it transparent)

Here is an example: convert logo.jpg \( -size 640x480 xc:white -size 200x200 xc:black -geometry +200+100 -compose over -composite \) +geometry -alpha off -compose copy_opacity -composite result.png

Check out this stackoverflow page

  • adding a gradient at a certain area

It would look something like this: magick -size 256x128 -define gradient:radii=128,128 radial-gradient:black-white radial_gradient_maximum.png

Look at the help page

  • drawing on the images

Drawing a circle can be done like this: convert -size 81x81 xc:black -fill white -draw 'circle 40,40 40,3' circle_raw.png

Drawing a pixel, line, symbol or circle is explained over at