WiFi adapter problems. Should I use a router?

Solution 1:

PC 1 gives internet to many other devices via a WiFi hotspot using a WiFi Adapter

The WiFi hotspot is unstable (temporary disconnections of few seconds)

I view this kind of wireless supply as temporary as it is not as reliable as a decent wireless router.

I suggest picking out a reliable Wireless router and attach it to the main router. In my view a separate wireless router is best (not a board in a computer). Set up the router so it is always ON like your main router. Any modern wireless router will have all features (and more) than any temporary hotspot.

I suggest using ONE subnet and so hook it up as follows:

LAN Port on the new router to your Network (LAN port).

Give the router a static IP on the main network (outside of the DHCP range on the network)

Turn DHCP OFF on the new router.

This will make it work like your hotspot.