Are Playstation 4 games locked to a certain region?

This question has been asked before, but it was for PS3 and Xbox 360 and was asked August 2010. This time around my question goes specifically to PS4, since I'm moving from Mexico to Europe and I was wondering if the European games will run in my console or if I'll have to buy a new one. I never thought of this before (which is why I never paid attention if it was mentioned in reports or specs of the console) and the research I did wasn't too helpful.

Solution 1:

Generally, PS4 games will be region-free with 2 major points:

  • DLC must match the region of the game you are playing.
  • Software makers still retain the right to region-lock their games.

Now this is the same as it was with the PS3. Which according to wikipedia only had 1 region-locked game: Persona 4 Arena. It is therefore likely that no game makers would region-lock their game.

At this current time, I cannot find any region-locked PS4 games.

Playstation 4 games generally being region free has been confirmed in the "Ultimate PS4 FAQ" on the official Playstation blog for Europe and North America:

"In general, neither digital nor disc-based games will be region locked, but PlayStation recommends that all users purchase games at the region of their residence to guarantee the best overall experience and customer service. In certain instances, a software publisher may choose to region lock a game title for specific reasons, but Sony Computer Entertainment expects these instances to be uncommon."