Percentile Symbol - does it exist or not?

As Neil mentions in his comment $P_i$ is a common notation to denote the $i$-th percentile.

The Wikipedia page on Percentile doesn't actually mention the notation as far as I can see but denotes quartiles as $Q_1$, $Q_2$, and $Q_3$ several times and from this it's logical that percentiles would be denoted by $P_i$ (and likewise other quantiles with their respective character in the same way).

A real world example of this notation (even if it's not subscript) is how you request percentiles in the Amazon CloudWatch API which follows the pattern p(\d{1,2}(\.\d{0,2})?|100) - or p5 for the 5th percentile, p70 for the 70th percentile, p50.36 for the 50.36th percentile, and p100 for the maximum value.