sudo prompts for password even though suders entry specifies NOPASSWD

I'm trying to give a specific user the ability to run two commands w/ sudo, without prompting for a password. This is what I did:

# temporarily grant privs to nitsadmin
Cmnd_Alias REBOOT = /usr/sbin/reboot
Cmnd_Alias STOP_START_CRUSHFTP = /var/opt/Crushftp/


The reboot command works exactly as expected, but the command insists on prompting for a password.


In repy to first comment, this is what I see:

nitsadmin@dropbox:~$ sudo /var/opt/CrushFTP10/ stop
[sudo] password for nitsadmin: 

So I'm pretty sure it's sudo that is prompting for a password.

Solution 1:

You may need to change:

Cmnd_Alias STOP_START_CRUSHFTP = /var/opt/Crushftp/


Cmnd_Alias STOP_START_CRUSHFTP = /var/opt/Crushftp/*

The alias in the sudoers file needs to match exactly how the command will be run. So /var/opt/Crushftp/ does not match /var/opt/Crushftp/ install

EDIT: This will allow any variation of /var/opt/Crushftp/ to be run with sudo without a password. You can change your alias to Cmnd_Alias STOP_START_CRUSHFTP = /var/opt/Crushftp/ stop if you want to limit to only stop etc.