What kind of files are these? Compiled files, self extracting files or something else?

I'm a newbie using Linux. I understand that there are binary packages a source code that may come in .zip. However, I downloaded a zip package (you can see in the picture). I just extracted, then cd into bin and run "autopsy".

Is this a self-extracting file? Is this a compiled file? Are self-extracting files, compiled files? I used "extract to" to extract the file no other software was used, which makes the file self-extractable?

enter image description here enter image description here

Solution 1:

Those are Windows executables, not Linux binaries.

I'd advise you to steer away from Kali. It's not a desktop distro in the first place. It's a special toolset created for security professionals. It's missing a lot of things which desktop distros provide out of the box, as they are not needed for the purpose. Considering your level of knowledge you're only asking for headaches. Just for example you don't recognize Windows exe files, you don't know they don't run on Linux and you think source code is delivered as binaries...

You should install a more approachable Linux distro and learn how Linux works first. Ubuntu and Mint are very popular, Zorin is specially targeted for people moving from Windows to Linux, very easy to grasp. That's how you learn your way around. If you want to learn about Kali, you can run it as a Virtual Machine. That's how most professionals use it anyway. And all three I mentioned are Debian-based, just like Kali - so knowing how to use them makes using Kali easier.

If you want to learn the tools you don't even need Kali. The tools are open source, available for any Linux.