Angular orderBy number sorting as text in ng-repeat

I think the most appropriate solution is to format the numbers I have on my JSON objects correctly, ie not to wrap them in quotes. So:




I'm guessing SergL's solution is good if it's not possible to correct the format of the JSON data.

To add to this, the issue in my specific case is to do with PHP's json_encode function on the server side. By default, it treats numbers as strings. To fix I had to add the JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK option to the encode method in the PHP script:


You don't have to modify your JSON. You can pass a function to orderBy filter like this:

$scope.sorterFunc = function(person){
    return parseInt(;

<tr ng-repeat="person in people | orderBy:sorterFunc ">
        <td>{{ | number}}</td>
        <td>{{person.firstname}} </td>
        <td>{{person.lastname}} </td>
        <td>{{person.age | number}}</td>
        <td>{{}} </td>

Inside your ng-repeat directive you are using a number filter

<td>{{ | number}}</td>

Filters are used to format the output, but they don't update the Model properties. For example: = 1234.56789 will be rendered as 1,234.568.

As mentioned above you have to convert age to type Number. Then orderBy will work as it should. For example inside your service:

angular.forEach(People.details, function (detail) {
  detail.age = parseFloat(detail.age);