What is a word for someone who hates or fears nature?

I know that misanthrope is someone who hates other humans or humankind in general. I am interested to know if there is a word for one who hates nature herself.

Solution 1:

biophobia is the fear of nature which covers aversion to and discomfort in natural places. It also covers different types of specific phobias which are natural environmental type. For example: Hylophobia (fear of wood, forest and trees) and agrizoophobia (fear of wild animals)

Some of the most powerful evidence for an innate connection between humans and nature comes from studies of biophobia (the fear of nature), in which measurable physiological responses are produced upon exposure to an object that is the source of fear, such as a snake or a spider. These responses are the result of evolution in a world in which humans were constantly vulnerable to predators, poisonous plants and animals, and natural phenomena such as thunder and lightning.

Fear was a fundamental connection with nature that enabled survival, and, as a result, humans needed to maintain a close relationship with their environment, using sights and sounds as vital cues, particularly for fight-or-flight responses.

Further explanation from the book "Transformative Eco-education for Human and Planetary Survival" edited by Jing Lin, Rebecca L. Oxford:

enter image description here

Solution 2:

By analogy with nature lover, consider the term nature hater.

"Yet, among these self-righteous poisoners of the earth, seas, and skies and killers of species, there exists a particular breed of nature haters, the spawn of Francis Bacon, a man who loved mankind above all else..."