Shortcut for Focusing Console Filter in Chrome

I'm frequently needing to filter out my Chrome console during web development. Unfortunately every time I want to filter for a different term, I must manually click the search box. I don't see anything about a shortcut for focusing the filter bar in the Chrome devtools shortcut docs, is there a way to assign a shortcut to do this? This would make using the filter much master.

If there's an extension that will do it I'm also open to that.

OS: Windows 10

enter image description here

There is no keyboard hotkey for that field afaik.

I'd do something like this:


HotKeySet("{F9}", "Coordinates")
HotKeySet("{F10}", "Clickit")

Global $aPos = MouseGetPos()

While 1

Func Coordinates()
    $aPos = MouseGetPos()

Func Clickit()
    Local $aPos2 = MouseGetPos()

It is an AutoIt script.

If you press F9 the Coordinates function runs. It saves the coordinates in a array called $aPos.

If you press F10 the Clickit function runs. It saves the current mouse coordinates in an array called $aPos2. It moves the mouse to the coordinates saved in $aPos (saved earlier in the previous function) and clicks, and then moves back to the coordinates saved in $aPos2.

Move the mouse over the position of the console filter. Press F4. AutoIt will save the location. Continue doing whatever you were doing. When you want to type there again, press F3.

Over at you can find a list of all the keys you can use instead of F9 and F10.