How do I summon a chicken zombie jockey with diamond armor using a command block?

I've been working with command blocks for a while and i have gotten pretty good at them, however i'm trying to make a baby zombie (with full diamond armor) riding a chicken and I just cant do it! I can make a baby zombie riding a chicken, or a baby zombie wearing diamond armor, but i cant do both. Where should both qualities go in the coding?

You want to use the Riding: attribute when you spawn it in. This will produce a zombie chicken jockey in full diamond armor, with a diamond sword (the first item):

/summon Zombie ~ ~1 ~ {IsBaby:1,Riding:{id:Chicken},Equipment:[{id:276},{id:310},{id:311},{id:312},{id:313}]}

It's very likely that you just need to add Riding:{id:Chicken} to what you've currently got in your command block, and adjust the coordinates to fit.

The decimal values for armor and swords (or other weapons, etc) can be substituted to fit whatever need.

Editorial note - reader beware! It is extremely fun to do positively silly things with this and then realize you spent the whole day doing it.

OP Zombie Villager Chicken Jockey Command:

/summon zombie_villager ~ ~1 ~ {CustomName:"Your Worst Nightmare", CustomNameVisible:1,IsBaby:1,Equipment: [{id:diamond_sword,Count:1,tag: {ench:[{id:sharpness,lvl:10}]}}, {id:diamond_boots,Count:1,tag: {ench:[{id:protection,lvl:10}]}}, {id:diamond_leggings,Count:1,tag:{ench:[{id:protection,lvl:10}]}}, {id:diamond_chestplate,Count:1,tag:{ench:[{id:protection,lvl:10}]}}, {id:diamond_helmet,Count:1,tag:{ench:[{id:protection,lvl:10}]}}], Riding:{id:"Chicken",IsChickenJockey:1}}

Use this for good enchanted gear drops.