Is there lunchtime analogue of the 'breakfast of champions' idiom?

In British English (possibly US too) there is an an idiom which it is to suggest that something is the 'breakfast of champions' when the content of the breakfast is particularly notable.

  • Perhaps a large quantity of breakfast.
  • Perhaps something that would not normally be eaten for breakfast.
  • Perhaps its not technically a breakfast but in the context of breakfast.

Is there a lunchtime analogue of this idiom? Or a phrase that can be used in a similar context where the meal concerned is lunch.

Note I am not looking for 'lunch of champions' but real unadulterated idioms.

Solution 1:

I think the term Power Lunch is both common and its slang definition fits your needs. In the corporate world it would simply mean a meeting of top officials over lunch but in common usage it would imply a high-energy meal at lunch.

enter image description here

Solution 2:

"Breakfast of Champions" was an advertising slogan used by Wheaties brand cereal at least as far back as the 1950s. To the best of my knowledge that's where the phrase originated. They would regularly run ads with some champion athlete saying how he eats their cereal, rather implying that he became the heavyweight champion of the world or whatever just because he eats Wheaties, and then end with the slogan, "Wheaties -- the breakfast of champions!" The point, by the way, wasn't that it was a large breakfast or an unusual breakfast, but that Wheaties was supposedly very nutritious and would give you energy or something to perform your best for the day.

If this has become an idiom for something in Britain, I wouldn't know. Here in the U.S., people will occasionally use it as a joke, like have some totally non-nutritious breakfast -- a pop-tart or a beer or something -- and say, "Yes, the breakfast of champions." I've never heard it used in any other context.