What is the all random death match mode in Dota

I don't know how it will be, but here is how it was:

  • Start normally
  • Each time you die you get a new hero (random)
  • You keep your items
  • You loose the gold from dieing
  • The new hero is same level as the hero that died, but with no leveled skills (you have to level them again)

The game was useful for the beginners since they can try many heroes in a game and get used to them, learn how some items are useful on a hero but worthless on other, etc.

Also it was fun since the rules were changed a bit, and you needed to make a more "general" build, instead of specific items for specific heroes. For example a defusal blade was much less useful than a bkb (bkb being useful on almost anything, while defusal is more... hero specific). For example you could go something like treads veng bkb bloodstone. There is no hero that could not benefit from those.

this was a mode the early "WC3 map dota" supported.

Every player gets a random hero. You keep your items but lose your gold. Each time you die, you get a new random hero with your last hero's level. This "counters" specific builds - e.g. if you focus your build on attack damage/dps and then get a caster, you are inefficient and might die even sooner.