Excel Spreadsheet - How to remove white space characters from text from an entire row?

I would like to know how I can format the text for an entire row in Microsoft Excel. I would like to remove white space characters between text from an entire row.

This is what I have right now:

Essentially, this is what I would like to achieve:

My inputs are set as text. If I use the Find and Replace feature, then 0s will be removed only if it is located at the beginning of the input. How can I remove all white spaces using the Find and Replace feature, whilst still keeping 0s at the beginning of the text value?

There are two methods you could use:


You can use the SUBSTITUTE function to create a new column that replaces all spaces with an empty string, removing all spaces from the text:

enter image description here

Which results in:

enter image description here

Find and replace

If you remove the spaces with Find & Replace, Excel by default removes any leading 0's and interprets the cell as a number. Setting the number formatting to Text is not sufficient. Instead prepend a single quote to the cell and then use the Find & Replace functionality:

enter image description here

Select the Range and right click- Format Cells...- Custom set to: 0000000000- Then Replace all space: enter image description here