Menu missing in Lotus notes 8 and Eclipse in Unity

Actually there is a way to support global menus for Eclipse:
Use VI to edit the following file: sudo vi /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/menuproxies/
Search for Eclipse (type /Eclipse) and replace the E character with an X (type rX).
Save it (type :wq) and run sudo ldconfig.

This is a reported bug in how SWT applications (like Eclipse and Lotus Notes) handle the appmenu.

As a workaround, create this script:


If you installed eclipse with Software Centre, then use which eclipse to determine the path.

Make that file executable and try running it. You can use "Main Menu" (search in the Dash) to create a launcher for it so it shows up in the Dash.

That should move the menus from the Unity top bar to the eclipse window. Once the bug is fixed, you will be able to run eclipse normally.

Another question has a much more thorough description of disabling appmenu for any application.

This is a bug and has been reported. You may follow it here: