Why Is The Remove Button of Internet Options' Content Certificates Greyed Out?

I want to delete expired certificates from a Windows 10 Home Edition computer. The image below illustrates what I observe.

Windows 10 Home Edition - Internet Options - Content - Expired Certificates - The Remove Button Is Greyed Out

Windows 10 Home Edition - Internet Options - Content - NON-Expired Certificates - The Remove Button Is Greyed Out

Why is the "Remove" button greyed out?

Why is the "Remove" button greyed out?

You can only remove personal certificates from Internet Options.

If you want to remove one of those certificates, you can remove the certificate, within the user's certificate store. You can simply right-click on the certificate to delete it.

Of course, if you delete the certificate you have asked about, you will cause yourself a great deal of pain. You really should NEVER delete any of those trusted certificates. Expired certificates are not insecure. The only certificates you shouldn't trust are those that have been revoked.

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