linux gnome, how to disable Ctrl+. shortcut

I am using Manajaro Linux with the GNOME environment on Wayland. Since the last update there's a weird new shortcut under Ctrl+.

I was using Ctrl+. for a long time in VSCode where it shows me Quick Fix suggestions. But right now it is not working anymore, in the VSCode and everywhere else this combination makes an 'e' character appear, but it's not actually an 'e' char, it doesn't get saved as a text instead it disappears if I type anything in and click enter or escape. I have no idea what is it but it's very irritating since my workflow is suddenly disrupted.

I was looking for this keybind in the settings under custom shortcuts but there's nothing like that there.

Does anyone know how to get rid of this? It's very annoying

Solution 1:

I found out that this has to do with a new emoji hotkey from IBus. You can remap it with ibus-setup.