Copying 80 minute music CD to 700MB CD-R

I have copied 80 minutes of music (158MB) from an original CD into my iTunes library but my iTunes tell me it can't all be burned back to a new blank 700MB CD-R disk.

Q1. Why can't I burn the full original 80mins? Q2. Is there a solution? Q3. If it is possible, will the reproduced CD be capable of playback on standard CD equipment?

Solution 1:

80 Minutes of music is not the same as 700MB of WAV data.

In fact, an 80 minute audio CD does not hold the same amount of data as a 700MB Data cd, even if you think it would. When you want to store the music from iTunes to a cd, it will store it in RAW WAV data which doesn't fit.

Using a WAV duration to size converter, we can figure out that 80 minutes of music is the same as 846.72 MB (megabytes) or 807.4951171875 MB (megabytes) / MiB.

This is quite a bit more than the 700 the cd offers.

That said, a data cd was not meant as a means to store audio. If you want a music cd, use an audio cd that has a number of minutes (These cd's are called CD-R Audio and list minutes instead of MBs. If you just want to store the songs and play it on your pc, then convert it to MP3's first, then you can fit a lot of songs on the cd, even if you go for a 650MB data cd.