How to map a network drive that is mapped to a PC running Tailscale?

I’ve installed Tailscale and I’ve been able to connect to my work PC from my home PC with RDP. I was also able to map the remote PC's local drives as "Network Locations".

How can I also map the remote's mapped drives to my home PC? I believe that they are NAS servers. Ideally I would simply have to install Tailscale on those, but I don't have permission to do that.

Solution 1:

thank you for your help. I reached out to them and they told me what I needed to do. I had to setup a subnet router in my work machine. The documentation is misleading in that it tells you that you can only setup a subnet on linux, but I was curious and I look at the CLI and the option was there. The specific command you have to run is tailscale up --advertise-routes= where the 192.168.110 is the specific route you want relay and /24 refers to the IPV4 protocol. This allowed me access all hosts from 0 to 255 in 192.168.110.x. Pretty neat. I know this might be obvious to some of you, but for those looking for help, here it is.