Ffmpeg input image sequence: can I add arbitrary list of images to that?
Solution 1:
glob pattern
Make copies of the images that you want to repeat:
0001.png 0002.png 0003.png 0003b.png 0003c.png 0004.png
Then use the glob pattern type for the image demuxer:
ffmpeg -framerate 25 -pattern_type glob -i "*.png" -vf format=yuv420p -movflags +faststart output.mp4
I made the following assumptions:
- You're using Linux or macOS. Windows can't use the glob pattern.
- You want MP4 output.
concat demuxer
Alternative method is to use the concat demuxer which will work on all OS.
containing:file '0001.png' file '0002.png' file '0003.png' file '0003.png' file '0004.png'
Then use the concat demuxer:
ffmpeg -f concat -i input.txt -vf format=yuv420p -movflags +faststart output.mp4
Also see
- FFmpeg Wiki: Slideshow