BSOD, failed automatic backup and internal drives suddenly showing up as "removable" on Windows 7

I've started experiencing BSOD on my Windows 7 computer.

Usually the BSOD does not have any details but one of them had the KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE error.

I thought it was probably a disk or the RAM so I ran chkdsk (and repair) on all drives and a full MemTest86 test but still getting the BSOD.

But then I realized that my automatic windows backup (backing up my SSD C: drive to my SATA D: drive) was not working anymore. The reason given by Windows: "Your destination drive is not valid. You cannot use a volume included in the back as a destination".

enter image description here

So I was like "meh?? I've being doing this for years (literally)". So I clicked the "Modify backup parameters" which opens up the list of available destination drives. And when I choose my D: drive, Windows tells me that I cannot use this drive because"Planned backup of the system image is not allowed on removable devices".

enter image description here

Meh again !!! So I check the bottom right "unplug" icon and all of my drives (including the SSD C: drive which runs Windows) are here ! I'm pretty sure there were not here before !!!

I also had a glance at the Events Viewer but didn't find anything obvious there (a few errors but nothing very clear).

Before the BSOD, I had to open the computer box to replug the box fan (which was starting on boot up then stopping a few minutes later for no reason). And I feel like the BSOD started a little later after that. Note that the fan is working fine now so I assumed it was just a loose cable.

Could this be me touching something I shouldn't have when opening the box? What can I try ?


The error KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE is related to hardware problems. It comes with an important code with defines the reason for the error (you might also be able to find it in the Event Viewer).

Some common error codes:

  • 0x0000007A: File access errors
  • 0xC000009C: Bad hard drive sectors
  • 0xC000009D: Loose cables or hard disk failure
  • 0xC000016A: Bad hard drive sectors
  • 0xC0000185: Unseated or damaged cables

You should find out more information about the hardware error. As the computer came with Windows 7, it's certainly not new, so some error has arisen, which is not necessarily connected to the fan.

For the specific problem of internal disks being marked as removable, here is one workaround counseled by Microsoft in Internal SATA Drives show up as removeable media:

  • Run the Device Manager

  • Under Disk Drives, identify the disk

  • Right-click the disk and select Properties

  • Note the Bus Number (B) and port number (N) of Target ID

    enter image description here

  • Run the Command Prompt (CMD) as Administrator

  • Enter this command:

    reg.exe add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\msahci\ControllerB\ChannelN\" /f /v TreatAsInternalPort /t REG_DWORD /d 0x00000001

    Where B and N correspond to the above.

  • Reboot.

You will find more details in the article Internal SSD/SATA Drive Shows as a Removable in Windows.