What is the word for someone who hates confrontation?

Such a person doesn't mind losing or winning; however, they dislike having to experience resistance/confrontation. To clarify, such a person does not necessarily "fear" confrontation but thinks confrontation is too much of a hassle.

Let's make a point that finds confrontation too much of a hassle is the primary meaning.

— A clarifying treat for those who get it; otherwise, insightful nonetheless:

"If I don't have to do it, I won't. If I have to do it, I'll make it quick."

Solution 1:

"Conflict-averse" is the term we use for this in the human services professions.

Solution 2:

I think the easiest word is non-confrontational.

I would also suggest the following:

  • carefree
  • nonchalant
  • indifferent

Solution 3:

You could call that person "agreeable" or "passive"? - as in, they will go along with what another person wants, whether they want to really or not, in order to avoid confrontation.

Solution 4:

I have always used the word amiable:

a·mi·a·ble [ey-mee-uh-b uh l]


  1. having or showing pleasant, good-natured personal qualities; affable: an amiable disposition.
  2. friendly; sociable: an amiable greeting; an amiable gathering.
  3. agreeable; willing to accept the wishes, decisions, or suggestions of another or others.

It's antonyms would definitely describe one that is confrontational:

1. rude. 2. unfriendly, hostile.

Solution 5:

When this creates an obstacle to function or communication, the verbiage in the DSM of the APA is 'avoidant' as in the "Avoidant Personality Disorder", or the paradoxical "Avoidant Attachment".

It differs from conflict-aversion as the basis of a Social Phobia, in that the person avoiding does it habitually, or in the spirit of excessive detachment, not out of (aware) fear.

(That is why this almost always ends up as an Axis II thing, and not a primary disorder.)