What's the joke behind "Fiscally responsible mime"?

There are many joke options in Hearthstone's Finding Opponent spinner. Most of them are clearly references or jokes. But I don't know what to make of the "Fiscally responsible mime".

Is it a reference to something I don't recognize? Is it a pun (like "A cardish Ian")? Is it an in-joke for Blizzard employees? Is it just there to make people boggle?

I think it is just a gag that tries to be funny using a paradox. I wouldn't search for a true reference behind it. In the Italian version there are a lot of entries like this, as (translating) "Animal-right activist hunter", or "unarmed warrior" (not sure if these voices also exist in the English version, but I think that each country has they own ones).

Maybe it's supposed to be funny due to its irrelevance?

If I had to choose one adjective to describe a mime, it probably wouldn't be "fiscally responsible," even if that were true. Nobody asks (or cares) how fiscally responsible a mime is, so using that adjective seems completely random.

And random is funny. Kind of.