How does an email have my name? How can I change it? [closed]

I have an email address. When I send emails from it somehow my real name is included. My profile from that service has never included my full name. But it is somehow present. I tried changing my profile to something else, but it has no effect, inspecting the original message in gmail, still has my name in the From field. Can I change this? How could it have gotten my name?

I am deliberately being vague here, because I don't want to dox myself. And yes, I realize this may make it harder to answer some of the questions.

Ultimately I want to remove my name from being sent out with every email.

Solution 1:

Your client and the recipients client will both remember your name if you have sent from and to these before, even if you remove your name from your account. Your control ends when the email leaves your server.

Want more anonymity? The correct thing to do is to create a new email address with a privacy focused service and use that in a different client, if you are using a client.