The California educational testing app CAASPP disabled Hot Corners on Mac. How can we get them back again?

Solution 1:

I'm not sure whether the dict-add command has been deprecated since Mojave - it works on that & I don't have Catalina to test.

You could just do it the 'heavy-handed' way, manually.

Go to ~/Library/Preferences/ & open it in BBEdit [freeware version is sufficient.] TextEdit will not be able to make any sense of it.

Find >79< & just below that, change the false to true.
Repeat for the other keys.

enter image description here

Save, then reboot.

Solution 2:

dict-add is fine in Catalina, but you've got a typo. - dict-add should be -dict-add.

You're running defaults write domain key - dict-add …, which is writing - to the key for the domain. That's why the plist has <string>-</string> as the key's value after running that command.

Instead, you should use the -dict-add option which is described in the usage as:

-dict-add <key1> <value1>