How to prevent iTerm2 from creating overlaps and broken lines after pasting multiline chunks of text?
From docs:
Pastes (both regular and slow) are done by splitting the text to paste into chunks. There is a delay between the transmission of each chunk. To change the speed that "paste" pastes at:
defaults write com.googlecode.iterm2 QuickPasteBytesPerCall -int 1024
defaults write com.googlecode.iterm2 QuickPasteDelayBetweenCalls -float 0.01
To change the speed that "paste slowly" pastes at:
defaults write com.googlecode.iterm2 SlowPasteBytesPerCall -int 16
defaults write com.googlecode.iterm2 SlowPasteDelayBetweenCalls -float 0.125
In my case it was caused by the fact that I am using zsh-autosuggestions plugin for ZSH.
What solved this was adding this line to my .zshrc
zstyle ':bracketed-paste-magic' active-widgets '.self-*'
as suggested in this comment.