Can we open GUI based software's via SSH if not then why?

Solution 1:

If I can open a .py file via WinScp Editor then why not a .html as webpage.

Well, in the first place, the WinSCP editor isn't opened "via ssh" at all – it is part of WinSCP and runs locally on your computer. (WinSCP downloads the file, lets you edit it, then uploads it back whenever you hit 'Save'.)

And you could certainly do the same to open a .html file in Firefox – but just like the editor was local, Firefox would be running locally and not on the server.

Can you run graphical programs remotely through SSH? Yes, using "X11 forwarding", although it doesn't provide great performance. You'll need to install an "X server" on your client machine – there are a few options for Windows – then enable X11 forwarding in PuTTY.

However, some apps might be slow (or even unusably slow) – even though X11 was meant to be a network protocol 40 years ago, it only worked well for programs made 40 years ago, but not for highly graphical ones like browsers of today. Something like Xpra or VNC would probably work much better.