How to install Laravel 4 to a web host subfolder without publicly exposing /app/ folder?

I was wondering if any of you know of a way to install Laravel 4 in a web host SUBDIRECTORY / subfolder while not exposing the /app/ folder and other sensible files to the publicly accesible part of the host.

The idea is, I'd be able to access to be able to use Laravel, but at the same time I want to avoid anyone doing something like going to or and basically being able to see my config files and other code.

Solution 1:

So I figured out how to do this. I'll explain with an example.

Suppose you a domain, Here's an example of the structure you might be using:    (the root of your web hosting)
|-- yourlaravel4_base/
|-- [some other folders...]
|-- public_html/    (where your html files and such go)
|   |-- [some other folders...]
|   |-- yourlaravel4/

/public_html/ is the root of the publicly accessible part of your web hosting files. You want to create a subfolder in /public_html/ (in this case /public_html/yourlaravel4/). In this subfolder you will store all the contents of the Laravel 4 public/ folder.

Now, for the rest of the files. You have to go to the root of your web hosting files, that is, you wanna be at level, therefore being able to see public_html/ and some other folders. Then, we need to create a folder here, where Laravel 4's base files will be stored. In this case, it's Inside yourlaravel4_base/ we need to store every file and folder that exists in the base Laravel 4 directory. That would be app/, bootstrap/, vendor/, server.php, etc. Everything EXCEPT the /public/ folder, whose contents you already stored in public_html/yourlaravel4/.

Finally, we need to edit 2 files: Laravel's /bootstrap/paths.php and /public/index.php.

In the paths.php file, replace:

'app' => __DIR__.'/../app',


'app' => __DIR__.'/../../yourlaravel4_base/app',

In the paths.php file, replace:

'public' => __DIR__.'/../public',


'public' => __DIR__,

In the paths.php file, replace:

'base' => __DIR__.'/..',


'base' => __DIR__.'/../../yourlaravel4_base',

In paths.php, replace:

'storage' => __DIR__.'/../app/storage',


'storage' => __DIR__.'/../../yourlaravel4_base/app/storage',

In index.php, replace:

require __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/autoload.php';


require __DIR__.'/../../yourlaravel4_base/bootstrap/autoload.php';

In index.php, replace:

$app = require_once __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/start.php';


$app = require_once __DIR__.'/../../yourlaravel4_base/bootstrap/start.php';

Upload changes. Now you should be able to have Laravel 4 installed in a subfolder in your website without actually exposing the app/ folder and other sensitive files. :)

Solution 2:

You can use an alias: no hankey-pankey with widespread directories on your system.

Specify in your httpd.conf or admin-panel:

/mylaravel/ /path/to/laravel/public

Furthermore, specify the URL in your Laravel's app.php

Line 29

'url' => '',

Eventually set the RewriteBase in your /public/.htaccess

RewriteBase /mylaravel/

Works like a charm and keeps your directory structure clean and to the point!

Solution 3:

People, people! No need to over-complicate things!

(For other public folders, such as htdocs or www just replace public_html in the following with your one.)

  1. Put all your Laravel stuff in the top-level folder (so that the app folder is next to the public_html folder)
  2. Move all files from public to public_html (be sure to also move hidden files, such as .htaccess!)
  3. Delete the now empty public folder
  4. In bootstrap/path.php change

    'public' => __DIR__.'/../public', to

    'public' => __DIR__.'/../public_html',

  5. Done.

Solution 4:

emmanuel answer doesnt work for me but i did some changes to make it work . although i used my web root to be the source of a project . there it is ; i have htdocs folder as a root folder but you may have other, such as public_html , www or so on . you can easily replace my htdocs with the one you have .

fine .

my dircetory


first i solved all of laravel dependencies on my localhost on windows with composer . after that i did pack the whole package into . in my htdocs i create a laravel folder and i did upload and unzip the zip file in it.


so after i did unzip the file i move everything in public folder into htdocs folder


now we have to rewrite some pathes in htdocs/index.php and htdocs/laravel/bootstrap/paths.php

but lets open htdocs/laravel/bootstrap/paths.php . you would see

'app' => __DIR__.'/../app',

what does it mean . it means that we are standing at htdocs/laravel/bootstrap/ path . and there for we need exit this folder to laravel folder then going for app folder . ok . this is the structure of the laravel for routing . if you get this right you can make your laravel run .


'public' => __DIR__.'/../public',

and change it to

'public' => __DIR__.'/../../htdocs',

(simple ha ) with one (../) of these we can go up one folder . so now we are at laravel folder . but we need to be in htdocs . so we have to write another (../) to get there .

open htdocs/index.php and find

require __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/autoload.php';

change it into

require 'laravel/bootstrap/autoload.php'; 

require is a built-in php function so we are going to treat it as a simple php . we dont realy need laravel style for fetching autoload.php file . so simply remove it and go for classic style


$app = require_once __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/start.php';

change it into

$app = require_once 'laravel/bootstrap/start.php';

Solution 5:

If you are trying to run Laravel 5.1 into a shared hosting space and all of the above answers seems to be a bit different from the actual Laravel files/folders or you are looking how to put your laravel 5/5.1 into a sub directory on your shared hosting space so you can access it like this:

So this answer is for you, first of all make sure you meet

Laravel 5.1 requirements :

- PHP 5.5
- PHP extension Mcrypt
- PHP extension Mbstring
- PHP extension OpenSSL

here an easy two tutorials for you :

Link 1

Link 2