How can I level gathering professions quickly as a high-level character?

So at level 7 or 8 I picked up Mining and Smithing as professions. So after a while I kind of forgot about them. Now, a few montages later and I'm a level 62 and still have low-level mining. I guess I should go back to Brill and mine. Is their another way to level gather professions quickly?

Solution 1:

I'd suggest you to first reach level 90, ignoring your professions, because of these resaons:

  • the gathering is much easier when you have a fast mount
  • if you just have the profession to earn gold (for example selling ores in the auction house) there's no reason to do this with level 62 since you'll only need much gold for different stuff when you're level 90
  • also, if you want to combine 2 professions (for example mining and smiting), you'll need a high amount of gold to progress in smiting and you wouldn't be able to skill it up to 600 anyway with your level.

Once you're level 90 you should search the internet for profession leveling guides, I'm sure you'll find some good ones ;)

EDIT: Tiny addition that came to my mind , if you want to buy the new expansion "Warlords of Draenor" you could pre-order it now you'll receive an "Level 90 boost". If you give this boost to a level 60+ character, you'll not only be level 90, you would also get both professions leveled up to 600. This is the fastest way to level up if you're willing to pay money.

Solution 2:

For Mining you can also wait until you get to pandaria. The ore deposits there do not have any (skill-)level requirement to be mined. (see

Solution 3:

No, you need to figure out what areas have what level gathering nodes and go back and get to work.