Testing Spring MVC @ExceptionHandler method with Spring MVC Test

Solution 1:

I just had the same issue and the following works for me:

public void setup() {
    this.mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(statusController)
         .setControllerAdvice(new ExceptionController())

Solution 2:

This code will add ability to use your exceptions controlled advice.

public void setup() {
    this.mockMvc = standaloneSetup(commandsController)
        .setMessageConverters(new MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter()).build();

private ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver withExceptionControllerAdvice() {
    final ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver exceptionResolver = new ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver() {
        protected ServletInvocableHandlerMethod getExceptionHandlerMethod(final HandlerMethod handlerMethod,
            final Exception exception) {
            Method method = new ExceptionHandlerMethodResolver(ExceptionController.class).resolveMethod(exception);
            if (method != null) {
                return new ServletInvocableHandlerMethod(new ExceptionController(), method);
            return super.getExceptionHandlerMethod(handlerMethod, exception);
    return exceptionResolver;

Solution 3:

Since you are using stand alone setup test you need to provide exception handler manually.

mockMvc= MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(adminCategoryController).setSingleView(view)

I had same problem a few days back, you can see my problem and solution answered by myself here Spring MVC Controller Exception Test

Hoping my answer help you out