Reduce PDF file size of plots by filtering hidden objects

As a start you can do something like this:

DF <- data.frame(x=x<-runif(1e6),y=x+rnorm(1e6,sd=0.1))

enter image description here

PDF size: 6334 KB

DF2 <- data.frame(x=round(DF$x,3),y=round(DF$y,3))
DF2 <- DF[!duplicated(DF2),]
#[1] 373429

enter image description here

PDF size: 2373 KB

With the rounding you can control how many values you want to remove. You only need to modify this to handle the different colours.

Simply saving the plot as a high-res png file will very drastically cut the size, while keeping the quality more than good enough. At least I've never had journals complain about any of the png's I sent them, just keep sure to use > 600 dpi.