Install NuGet via PowerShell script

As far as I can tell, NuGet is meant to be installed as a Visual Studio extension:

But what if I need NuGet on a machine that doesn't have VS installed?

Specifically, I would like to install NuGet with a PowerShell script.

Solution 1:

  1. Run Powershell with Admin rights
  2. Type the below PowerShell security protocol command for TLS12:
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

Solution 2:

Here's a short PowerShell script to do what you probably expect:

$sourceNugetExe = ""
$targetNugetExe = "$rootPath\nuget.exe"
Invoke-WebRequest $sourceNugetExe -OutFile $targetNugetExe
Set-Alias nuget $targetNugetExe -Scope Global -Verbose

Note that Invoke-WebRequest cmdlet arrived with PowerShell v3.0. This article gives the idea.