Is there a verb for "Pass through a hoop?"

Solution 1:

The phrase jump through hoops is a figurative expression that means what you are asking about

Perform a difficult and grueling series of tests at someone else’s request or command: we had to jump through all sorts of hoops to win accreditation

Solution 2:

How about "traverse?"

traverse: to move or pass along or through.

"Those who wish to pursue citizenship should be able to bid their time and traverse the hoops that they would need to."

"We want the hiring process to happen easily, almost magically, without having to do research or traverse hoops."

Also, consider "buck through," "put on a bold/brave face ," and "make the best of a bad situation."

"He felt very strange, and decidedly shy; but put on a bold face, and let nobody guess that, though nearly thirteen, he had never been to school."

"I think we'll try to buck through without any borrowings for a while."

"Paul has made the best of the situation and blossomed in a variety of ways."